13th Anniversary Potluck

March 10th 1 PM - 3PM | Bldg 28 turns 13 in 2024! To celebrate, we will gather in the Education Wing on Sunday March 10th after second service (1 PM - 3 PM) for a church-wide lunch after morning worship. The church will provide the main dishes, but if you plan on attending, please plan on also bringing something to share! Here's a suggestion: If your last name starts with A-H, bring a side dish; I-P bring a dessert, Q-Z bring drinks. We can't wait to celebrate 13 years of God's faithfulness with our church family!
Please select all that apply.


March 10th 1 PM - 3PM
Bldg 28 turns 13 in 2024! To celebrate, we will gather in the Education Wing on Sunday March 10th after second service (1 PM - 3 PM) for a church-wide lunch after morning worship. The church will provide the main dishes, but if you plan on attending, please plan on also bringing something to share! Here's a suggestion: If your last name starts with A-H, bring a side dish; I-P bring a dessert, Q-Z bring drinks. We can't wait to celebrate 13 years of God's faithfulness with our church family!